Full Version: The barrel - It's your turn
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[Image: drooling1.gif]

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'><div align="center">THE NEW BARREL RESIDENT IS:</div></span>

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><div align="center">The Skank Known As LADI</div></span>

woopppp woooopppp.....go at her boys.
:bouncer: oooo make it hurt!
I just want to know how many guys would join me if we rounded up all the dirty, legless, hoemless fuckers we could find and make half of them tea bag this slut while the rest played "Let's see how many black dicks Ladi can fit in her fat face at once". Then we punch her in the gut while she chokes on spook juice. WHO'S WITH ME?!
its kind of hard to hurt you since you're so accommodating to everyone. The last time the Green Packers were in NY, you had the open house in the love tunnel known as your snatch. By the way - is the goal post still missing in there? how they got that thing in was amazing.

**EDIT - Just for using the words Spook, Homeless and tea bagging all in the same sentence,

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'><div align="center">WE HAVE A NEW BARREL RESIDENT</div></span>

<div align="center"><span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>McBourbon</span></div>

Now.....lets have some fun with mr. "I have spook juice up my ass cuz I like it there and I spy on young boys showering at the local high school....."

Edited By Grumpy on June 13 2002 at 1:48
ewww Ladi.. she sucks.... a golfball thru a garden hose.... she's only so accomodating, because she doesn't know ass end from top... :-p stupid wee todd

& McWateredDown.... too bad they let him spawn... His Momma was such a tight prude she had to lay his egg in a dirty Clevland river & all the neighborhood men came buy and spooged on him... this is why he likes it now....

Edited By Hey Ladi on June 13 2002 at 1:52
Just cuz I work at the high school doesn't mean I peak into the showers to see the boys.
but you do, don't you? come on.....don't deny it. you know the truth. hairless boys turn the mclimpdick into mcboner. the right light, on a Sunday in church, if I was out drinking the night berfore, and if my priest agrees to join in....sure.:burnfucker:
We know you sit behind that desk in Study Hall rubbing it. You like when they sit in baggy shorts with their little hairless rats almost peeking out, you get so excited, you try to think up ways to keep them after class.

You don't call on those dirty little whore girls. They don't deserve it. The young nubile bucks are the apple of your eye. Oooo, to be able to teach Summer school too, and see them parade by shirtless & smooth, such sweet torture.... glistening in the hot sun....
Stop imposing your pedophile fantasies on me, Ladi.:-D
Stop denying it, stop whining & take it like a good little bitch.... you know how to bite the pillow really well right?
McBourbon is such a worthless speck of humanity,
Such a waste of flesh,
such a zero of a person,
that I can honestly say I have never cared enough to PM him and beg him to like me........(no really!)
Quote:I can honestly say I have never cared enough to PM him and beg him to like me......

This is true (thank God!).
even if you did, what's a lowlife pondscum from cleveland got to his opinion of you anything his pathetic NAMBLA member ass does matters.
Oh yeah...Ken PMed me a little bit ago.
Now you have problems...:disappointed:
I begged you not to tell!!!
Oh you did not. You told me to tell all my friends at the high school, and at NAMBLA, and at church, and everywhere else I'm sure to have been spotted after this roll in the barrel is over.
Isnt cleveland the kid toucher capital of the world???
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