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not good with instructions, are you?
Rules were made to be broken.
Well, it's pretty obvious you're gonna spam The Pit until someone changes your status. And Since I dont feel like changing your status, or bending to your every whim, feel free to spam Cell 1.

Edited By Sephiroth on June 13 2002 at 11:47
arpi's in the cell again?has it been a month already?
Quote:Well, it's pretty obvious you're gonna spam The Pit until someone changes your status.
this is as far from the truth as you can get. i dont care about the status, i wasnt going to "spam" the pit with anymore thrreads. your assumption is baseless and incorrect. oh well, such is life.
Quote:your assumption is baseless and incorrect
just like your face, oh snap
Quote:just like your face, oh snap
DAG BOY!! Why you got to get up im my bidness like dat?
Don't get upset Sleeper, Arpi thinks that basic macroeconomic tenets are baseless assumptions too.
Quote:DAG BOY!! Why you got to get up im my bidness like dat?
You are so white it hurts
macroeconomics are a tool of the Zionist Occupied government and are propogated by the Bindenberg Group.
You're the Zog, boy. Don't try and pass that off.
Quote:You're the Zog, boy. Don't try and pass that off.
don't make me get my boy Ickes on you , lizard boy
You and the rest of your power-hungry Jew bretheren are the reason Trade Centers were attacked, no offense
Quote:You and the rest of your power-hungry Jew bretheren are the reason Trade Centers were attacked, no offense
none taken

Edited By Arpikarhu on June 14 2002 at 12:11