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It's space will be pathetically wasted.

I have had a massive headache for three days.
It won't go away.
(it's not a tumor)
Ive had one since last week..I think it may be a tumor. :crackhead:
Girl that works with me had a persistent, horrible headache & they thought it was a form of menegitis (sp).... It causes the fluid around the brain to swell & put pressure on the brain. She had to have a spinal tap & everything.

(hehe I said fluid :crackhead: :lol: )
I just want it to goooooo wayyyyyyyyyyy,
it is in the back of my head,
the pillow was hurting last night.
Assume the normal positon, and lay on your face
I can't SLEEP that way,
get far toooooo horny,
(gives me wierd dreams too ;-) )
Was it the one about the Kangaroo boxing match, where you are naked & holding a swordfish, and the crowd is monkeys in diapers & is throwing jello? And somehow you know you have to be somewhere, & all you need to waer is shoes, but you don't remember where you left them... and the kangaroo turns into Dolly Parton, and you find yourself on a roller coaster at Dolly World, and you wake up screaming and fall out of bed??

......... I hate that one :-D
The weird thing is Metal is on the Rollercoaster with me,
and you KNOW how he feels about them.
Oh, yeah that's right, in yours... doesn't he grab your leg & yell hold me? But you always think he says blow me.... but you wake up dissappointed because you never sleep long enough to get to the finale!!
but I hop into the shower lather up and shoot a load.......
Yelling "This is for you Herman"
Scares the neighbors.
Ugh....I have a headache, too. :crackhead:
It just feels like that kind of day. Unless we are all psychosematic (sp)

I'm tired, and I just spilled soday all over my leg :crackhead:
<marquee>Fuck both of you</marquee>

Ken, why did you forget to disclose the part where I actually throw you off of the rollercoaster for my own watch you plunge helplessly to your ultimate demise.

Luna.....hold me :crackhead:

Edited By Metalfan on June 14 2002 at 12:53
never happens in MY dreams Metal......

And to protect you I left out the part where you are sobbing in fear.....

IS that really Soday??? or did you check out my pic in the lunch thread again...... it happens you know.
Those are tears of joy you idiot as your skull breaks apart like an eggshell when you hit the ground.
My head IS very reminiscent of Humpty Dumpty.
Quote:Fuck both of you
:bouncer: oo ooo would you would you really Petal!

Quote:IS that really Soday???
I can't spell :poke:
Quote:oo ooo would you would you really Petal!

LOL....hope you don't mind if :wilbur: takes this one for me
Metal = gay......
turning down hot Ladi action....
for shame.
No.....I'm turning you down...and actually Ladi enjoys a roll with Wilbur on occasion.
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