Full Version: How bad does FN Moron's mom smell?
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We've all smelled her a mile away. What did you think it was the first time you smelled her coming?

It reminded me of a hot summer day in Staten Island by the water near the dumps mixed with the smell coming from the back alleys of the restaurant district in China Town.

What did it remind you of?
quite bad
she smells like maynerds butt crack after a 5 mile jog
Arpikarhu Wrote:she smells like maynerds butt crack after a 5 mile jog
Shhhhh! You're giving away too much about us again.
Maynard Wrote:
Quote:she smells like maynerds butt crack after a 5 mile jog
Shhhhh! You're giving away too much about us again.
did i say that out loud? my bad
how, exactly, do you know what GayMay's butt crack smells like? spend a lot of time there?
IkeaBoy Wrote:quite bad
Did you spend a whole 3 seconds on that?

I think she smells like Snuka's C after he rips the head off a dead whore, that's been lying around for a month or two, then F's the rotting brain. The oozing, stinking Grey Matter comes pushing out the sides of her neck and stains his shoes. Whores don't stay fresh when you store them under the trailer. You have to get be careful though, the neighborhood dogs nip at them, and usually eat the feet off. :puke:
she smells like a wet dog covered in vomit and poo lit on fire after being sprayed by skunk while being fucked by maynard who just sweats uncontrollably from his ass and his body but the ass sweat smell covers his entire body and then he makes a large dump in his pants. and then they're lit on fire so you have the smell of burning hair to. And they're both covered with whatever the hell is coming out of that guy's mouth in JIMMYSNUKA's sig pic.
Muuuch better. Now THAT's a stink! :puke:
you're all wrong... it smells like bleach & vinegar :no, really, fuck off:
Anyone ever not change for two consecutive days and then proceed to smell your crotch?

Me neither.

But I'm sure it'd smell like that