Full Version: No good reason to drink? - Requesting good reasons to drink
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I am watching Loaded Weapon 1 on USA (shut up, I think the movie's funny) and they had a commercial about kids being asked to drink and the big statement from MADD is "when someone asks you to drink, ask them why." and it concludes with the 'conclusion' that there are no good reasons to drink. I'm sorry but this is horribly wrong. There are plenty of good reasons to drink- relaxation, makes things more funny, it's a bonding things, etc. So MADD is wrong on this one. Screw you MADD!
Now I know why Sleeper refuses to have beers with me, he is brainwashed by the M.A.D.D. people.
MADD huh? Isn't that geared towards kids not drinking? I agree with being against drink driving, thats no problem in my book at all. What bothers me about these fuckin groups though is simple: They bitch, cry and moan about cigs and drink but these are the two most taxed items in the country and that tax money pays for a whole lot of shit. If that well runs dry, what next?
Quote:Now I know why Sleeper refuses to have beers with me, he is brainwashed by the M.A.D.D. people.
Yes, but now that Ikea has posted this scathing rebuttal to MADD's campaign, I can't help but side with him. You go Ikea!
You should drink cause I am. :toast:
Sound like a Bud Dry commercial to me. Why ask why? Since when did MADD support Anheiser Busch?
The best reason to drink is that you can.
I'm celebrating Sunday, because it only comes once a week. :toast:
beer and booze are good for you!!!

is that a good enough reason?

ok so they aren't googood for you but they make ya feel good.
i'm gonna go with: because i'm thirsty. :fuggin:
really thirsty. :fuggin:

Edited By crx girl on June 17 2002 at 01:38
really really thirsty?