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Some really messed up people.
Quote:"Being awake is highly overrated"
-- Maynard G. Krebbs

<marquee><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............</marquee></span>
That's just TOO twisted.

And no, it wasn't me. I spell mine with 1 "b", not 2.
Quote:Poop Dream
I had a job working for this farmer, and every day I shoveled a load of manure into the back of an old farm truck, drove it to another field, and dumped it.

One day I guess I finally got fed up with the whole thing. I shoveled it in like I was supposed to, but then I dumped it all out in the middle of the road that ran past the farm.

I pushed it around with the shovel until I'd spelled out "poop." Then I just sat back laughing, watching everyone drive through it. When I woke up, I was still laughing. I thought it was great that I'd written poop with poop.

Dreamed by: Mickey Hess
Well, I guess now we know Sluggo's real name is Mickey.
Ever have one of those moments where you get up and go about your day when suddenly, a couple hours later you have this flash where you remember a bit of conversation or doing something the day before and you think "Oh shit, I've got to take care of that" only to realize a split second later that your remembering a dream and not reality.

Or is it just me?
When I sleep for 12 hr straight(ish) I wake up feeling tired, because I've just lived a whole day in my head & I don't want to get up & do a real day
I have insomnia to an extent. I usually cant go to bed before 2 am.
Becky, Drink less caffeine, consume less sugar, drink more water, and call your father.
Thanks Mom.

I know someone who does Sleep Marathons. They sleep all weekend only getting up to eat or pee. I aim to achieve that one day. :thumbs-up:
Quote:Ever have one of those moments where you get up and go about your day when suddenly, a couple hours later you have this flash where you remember a bit of conversation or doing something the day before and you think "Oh shit, I've got to take care of that" only to realize a split second later that your remembering a dream and not reality.

Or is it just me?

yes, that happens to me often, but in a diffrent way. i actually believe that you dream everything that you are going to do in your life before you do it, hence deja vu, cause you actually have done it before. that's why i like having deja vu, cause i know i am doing something right.:thumbs-up:
Quote:i actually believe that you dream everything that you are going to do in your life before you do it

Dream about any board members lately?
When I was a kid I used to dream about Celebrity Wizard of OZ,
I was off to see the wizard, except instead of the lion scarecrow and tin man I was joined by celebrities,
my favorite was Abbott and Costello,
I woke up soooo happy after that one.
Quote:Dream about any board members lately?

um. nope can't say that i have.
Quote:I usually cant go to bed before 2 am.
lucky you, i don't remember the last time i was asleep before 4. and yes ad i have, and deja vu happens to me a lot, even to the point where i know what's gonna happen next, although only for a second or so...
I rarely remember my dreams. I wish I could, get some sort of insight into my psyche.