Full Version: Cheap wine - That tastes good.
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Pages: 1 2
one of my favorite dessert wines
[Image: des_musc_01.jpeg]

and here is an up and comer in the wine biz....
[Image: fessparker.jpg]

Edited By Ken'sPen on June 19 2002 at 4:17
I think wine is yucky.
my favorite dessert wine is far niente dolce
Sweet Angel drinks Schlitz.
Only when they're out of Old Milwaukee
step up to the premiums
try Meister Brau
Meister Brau? Do you think I'm made of money?
how 'bout Rheingold? Do they still make that?
<li>far niente

all very good wines

also ken's pen, if you want great wines at a good price, check out south african wines like springbok and chilean wines like cousino macul.

Edited By LZMF1 on June 19 2002 at 11:22
wait...we were talking about wine?
this thread was originally about wine but feel free to talk about beer
thanks for clearing that up :thumbs-up:
Pages: 1 2