Full Version: Death/harm wishes here.... - Post your death/harm wishes..
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Ants in My Pants Wrote:
Ooh, so close.
Fried, Green Tomatoes?
IrishAlkey Wrote:Fried, Green Tomatoes?
Mmmmm, tomatoes.
Last guess: Beaches?
IrishAlkey Wrote:Last guess: Beaches?
Seriously, that one was very close. The name almost sounds the same.
i dont want him to die but i wish lots of harm to danilo
maybe like a hole in the heart or something
maybe ten holes in the heart
:no, really, fuck off:
Quote:i dont want him to die but i wish lots of harm to danilo
maybe like a hole in the heart or something
maybe ten holes in the heart
:no, really, fuck off:
Awh, young love

Edited By DGW on Jan. 23 2002 at 08:48
DGW Wrote:
Quote:i dont want him to die but i wish lots of harm to danilo
maybe like a hole in the heart or something
maybe ten holes in the heart
:no, really, fuck off:
Awh, young love
yeah dont it suck?
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:
Quote:He's gonna need a homily.
Isn't that the land that Puff the Magic Dragon lived in?
Yeah, the land of.

Quote:yeah dont it suck?
Not really....wait till yah get older and things get more complicated.
DGW Wrote:
Quote:yeah dont it suck?
Not really....wait till yah get older and things get more complicated.
[sarcasm]oh goodie i cant wait[/sarcasm]
DGW Wrote:Not really....wait till yah get older and things get more complicated.
No need to scare the poor girl!

The weird thing about dating as you get older is the whole checking for wedding ring thing. I can't believe so many people are married already.
Hey Ladi Wrote:
Quote:Not really....wait till yah get older and things get more complicated.
No need to scare the poor girl!

The weird thing about dating as you get older is the whole checking for wedding ring thing. I can't believe so many people are married already.
i check for wedding rings now :p

but seriously, im not one to go out and date all over
im too shy for that
if i find someone i like we'll see what happens
Quote:I can't believe so many people are married already.

No shit, most of my friends are married already. It's like some of them think they have to marry by 24 or be a failure in life.
Hey Ladi Wrote:The weird thing about dating as you get older is the whole checking for wedding ring thing. I can't believe so many people are married already.
it's not just when your older. while not married i constantly live with the belief that every girl has a boyfriend who will kick my ass if i look at her or talk to her first
Back to death/harm wishes..

Id like to wish my old professor, whos class i dropped after just 40 minutes of his babbling, to get hemmorhoids to the point that he cant move any one of his limbs cause they hurt so much...

back to you rusty...
Homo-gluteous stickitus

Quote:yeah dont it suck?
Only if you're nice to her and buy her a drink first. Anal takes at least dinner and a movie first.
Grumpy Wrote:Only if you're nice to her and buy her a drink first. Anal takes at least dinner and a movie first.
Not with Rape.
Just give her a wink and you're in there.
I hope that Alkey slams his head on his bathroom sink, causing his mental retardation.

WhipThisFez Wrote:I hope that Alkey slams his head on his bathroom sink, causing his mental retardation.

that didn't happen already?

and the thought of checking for wedding rings has never even crossed my mind, oops :eek:
WhipThisFez Wrote:I hope that Alkey slams his head on his bathroom sink, causing his mental retardation.
Did you mean curing?
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