Full Version: What happened to ladi? - Did her date work out?
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Last night Ladi cooked dinner for her date and expected him to put out afterwards. She hasn't been heard from since. What happened?

For the record, I have an alibi.
it's threads like this, that make his barbs about my sense of humor sting.
You're mistaken OAS. She's doing that tonight, or tomorrow night.
Wow, who else said the trailer got repossesed? That's correct!

Ok, actaully my car over heated today & ruined all my plans. grrrrr It took me four hours to limp home from about what should have been an hour away.

Time for a new one! Any suggestions? Confuseduicide:
Quote:It took me four hours to limp home
Was I really THAT hard on you last night?
Quote:Time for a new one! Any suggestions?
I hear the buzz is leasing is the way to go.
Buy a Prowler ..... vrooooooom!

So, about this date..... did he know you were preparing fetus tartar?

Edited By slackjaw on June 21 2002 at 10:20