Full Version: Fucking lack of good threads...
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There are not many fun threads to play in...
Can we throw Arpi in the cell and make fun of him till one gets started???
Feel free to PM me and then post all my private info on the boards, douchenut.
Quote:Can we throw Arpi in the cell and make fun of him till one gets started???

Quote:There are not many fun threads to play in...

Here's an idea for ya....Go Outside!!!!
I hope he dies
right after Maynard.
I too agree with anger towards lack of good threads. And when there's nothing good to post in, there's really a fuckled up place where my mind goes to think about things.
it could be that ken's pen has watered it down soooooooooo badly.

sheesh!!! every other thread recently has been started by him!
Yeah you know nobody really gives a shit about Apri.
Sean Won,
he was the first to respond to a Batch of PMs I sent out to the active members,
carry on.

Sorry were sooooo close.
uh what
Sorry, but I'm burnt out and ran out of ideas. Here's a thought. "Be more funny!!"
Quote:Sean Won,
he was the first to respond to a Batch of PMs I sent out to the active members,
carry on.

People actually respond? You are fucking annoying!
You know, it's fucking ridiculous. I should fucking throw you in the hole for even starting this fucking thread.

You bitch about there being no good topics? SO FUCKING START ONE! Instead, you start bullshit topics that no one likes and then you bitch about it.

Fuck off and die Ken. :fuckoff:
Quote:I should fucking throw you in the hole for even starting this fucking thread
this sounds like the time seph ran out of donuts
Quote:Fuck off and die Ken. :fuckoff:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

granted all of the thread that i start are stoopit but maymay has never threatened to throw me in the hole

Edited By LZMF1 on June 25 2002 at 11:40
My coffee cup is empty....
Quote:Can we throw Arpi in the cell and make fun of him till one gets started???
i'm up for it
You don't want to agree to that Arpi. You'll rot down there waiting.
Quote:You don't want to agree to that Arpi. You'll rot down there waiting.
enh. i'm still game
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