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maybe it was a steven segal flick
Wasn't the game still tied on that play? and couldn't the Sox have won game 7? I honestly don't get the hoopla over that play.
cause if he made the play, the sox would have ended over 70 years of failure. alas it was not meant to be.
BUT...IT...WAS...TIED, they would still have to get a run in the top of the 10th.
i might go to the nba draft tomorrow. would anyone like me to scream something retarded at a certain person?
When a white guy gets drafted scream "WHITE POWER!!".
arpi needs new jokes.
I like one of them better than the other...
but I never remember which.Undecided
Stanley, Schilraldi, Buckner: in that order.

Bob Stanley is the biggest goat in baseball history and no one fucking remembers it because of that stupid Buckner play
hi :lookatme:

Quote:When a white guy gets drafted scream "WHITE POWER!!".
two white guys might go in the top 10. WHITE POWER!!!
scream "YELLOW POWER" after the first pick
its a go. my friend got tickets. woooooooo

so i got yellow power after pick 1, white power after pick 3.

anything else? maybe i can get an asshole chant going for someoen
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