Full Version: The greeting thread - Bah, why the fuck not?
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<img src=>Last time I tried that, you hit on me<img src= <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... arcasm.gif</a><!-- m -->>
So sorry, i thought it was your wife's account.

what the fuck was this thread about? Greetings? damn, we are now arguing the finer points of Ken's humor. I think we both need some help.
Quote:So sorry, i thought it was your wife's account.

Ahhhh, that explains things :thumbs-up:

Quote:I think we both need some help.

damn man, was there ever any doubt about that?? :crackhead:

Edited By Metalfan on June 27 2002 at 08:38
Morning Campers, please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance :-p
I can't.....Sean has been hitting on me again...can I say it whilst I sit?? Confusedmokey:
you know what annoys the shit out of me? The slimey homeless, garbage eating douche bag who feels the need to say good morning whenever i take the fuckin 6 train. A good morning to him is waking up, eating a bird shit covered half of bagel, pissing down is scab ridden legs and bumming a cig off some silly shlep who should be beaten within an inch of his life for helping this waste of good old fasioned clean air. If we charged for air, like in Spaceballs, we wouldn't have homeless peeps. Holy shit, i just solved a problem, whats Mayor Bloomfucknut's email?
Don't be a pussy, he'll probably buy you dinner first, at least
Quote:The slimey homeless, garbage eating douche bag who feels the need to say good morning whenever i take the fuckin 6 train

Fuck man, they all moved back to the Port Authority....fucking stinks to high heaven over there.....unless its just the lingering stench of Ladi coming to town.

Quote:whats Mayor Bloomfucknut's email?

I thinks its [email protected]
Quote:unless its just the lingering stench of Ladi coming to town.
Not as far as you know ;-)
Then it must be a good morning since it seems that the border patrol around NYC is doing its job :thumbs-up:
There's always room for Jello
Morning Amy
good morning
Is THAT what that glowing ball of fire in the sky means? :clueless:
no it means the end of the world
Quote:I told everyone Ken is not completely worthless.

OK, I'm gone for a few months and now I see that the apocolypse is truely upon us.

My job still sucks, good morning kiddies
morning doc
what up doc?

I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the republic
for which it stands,
one nation,
under God,
with liberty
and justice for all.

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