Full Version: Grapes - Natures candy
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Pages: 1 2
well no pic was attached at least...
though I have a good pic of MayMay putting the cucumber (Nature's Dildo) to work,
by the way, a cucumber is a fruit.
So is a tomatoe.
so is eggplant. did you know that New Jersey grows over 1/2 thw worlds supply of eggplant?
Did you also know that eggplant is Gonzo's favorite food?
Quote:So is a tomatoe
i think dan quayle hacked your account maynerd

Edited By Arpikarhu on June 26 2002 at 2:51
Maynerd is ALSO a fruit.
Quote:Maynerd is ALSO a fruit.
if maynerd Was a fruit, i think he would be a kiwi. fuzzy outside, seedy and green inside
he would be a necatarine....
cause it is like a peach....that shaves it's legs.
Frozen grapes make me so wet
i'm a fan of grapes, but god forbid i get one that looks a little brown :crackhead:
i'm very picky
Quote:Frozen grapes make me so wet
eat them faster, that should help
The terrorists put seeds in grapes
Quote:i'm a fan of grapes, but god forbid i get one that looks a little brown
i'm very picky
i so agree. i am feeling very good about the vote thing now
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