Full Version: Could somebody please make the rain stop - I have to do laundry
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if the rain doesn't stop soon, i'm gonna be spending the weekend naked, which probably wouldn't go down too well at the family establishment in which i work. i don't know what to do, is it still raining in jersey? because if it is, i'm screwed :crackhead:
it is, but i'll go flip the switch marked "rain" and make it stop if you'd like
thanks, that would be great :thumbs-up:
:firebounce: :firebounce: :firebounce: :firebounce:
kjhfsdsfhsjdfhjs has THE POWER!!!!!!
:firebounce: :firebounce: :firebounce: :firebounce: actually stopped raining, too

edit-no it didnt

Edited By fbdlingfrg on June 27 2002 at 9:46
God just called and told me the british are a bunch of twats. he said fuck you and your laundry.

Hey, sorry, don't shoot the messenger.:firebounce:
gotta love that god and his sense of humor sometimes
bah, god is dead. and let the record show that i did not see one single drop of rain while i was in england
thats because your family was smart and locked your ass in the closet. Also, God is good. Why waste the water on you non teeth brushing, hairy armpit having fucks?

Edited By Sean Cold on June 27 2002 at 9:51
first of all, the teeth thing is just beyond old. secondly, hairy armpits? how dare you lump me in with the french :fuckoff:
I notice you didn't argue the fact that you were stuffed in the closet by your parents.:firebounce:
well, they didn't so, poop on you [Image: eviltongue.gif]
Sure they didn't. And no, I am not into the whole poop thing. maybe you would have clean clothes if you didn't smear shit on them. Perhaps? Maybe?

Don't make me get Crack to slap his bitch up. Again.
yes sir, sorry sir :bow: :disappointed:
It's quite all right, you are forgiven. Ummm, back on topic, why are you scared of the rain? just do your fuckin laundry already. by the time you are done, it probally would have stopped raining. Get of your lazy ass and just go do the fuckin wash.

sorry, I had a moment.
Hmmm.....nope. Fuck you. The rain will continue.

I'll stop it around midnight or so.
I can't even get you to put the white fuckin outline on the CDIH buttons, now you can stop the rain. I guess you aren't one of God's moderators.:fuckoff:
if i go do laundry, and the rain doesn't stop, it will get all wet on the way home. i think i'm just gonna throw some detergent on it and hang it up outside. that way, if maymay keeps his word, it should be dry by the time i get up :thumbs-up:
rainy nights rule!!!! the sound of the rain helps me sleep soooooooooo much better.
that expalins more about you than I ever needed to know, fucknut.
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