Full Version: T.a.a.h.a.b.t.e.e.b.w.h.a.b.o.f.t.c.b.b.c.
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can i say 5?
to think this almost fell off page 1
good catch buddy :thumbs-up:
the cells just screaming for you... I can hear Adebisi's cry for welcome.
make arpi the paralyzed guy
I always pictured arpi being Ryan O'reilly.
is that the crazy mick or the other one?

:edit: yep, i remember.

Edited By HyBriD on June 30 2002 at 02:51
yeah the mick
Holy shit...
Don't you kids have anything better to do with your time?
To quote you...
"This thread sucks!"
The only thing that saved it was Lord Gonzo...
Arpi and HedCold are nothing compared to Ken and Gooch!!!
is it to late to vote?

if not, I'd say lock this pathetic excuse of a thread... then throw Arpi in cell#2 (sorry, sentimental attachments to Cell#1) until someone can show some sort of evidence of Gonzo's hetrosexuality (incest & beastiality excluded).
The easiest way to lock up an MooseCock Smoking Arpi thread is for me to post in it. He'll never return cuz he's a cum guzzling fagggggggg.................
Quote:if not, I'd say lock this pathetic excuse of a thread

Well, if this was, you expressing that feeling might actually mean something. Here, though, it just doesn't ammount to a handful of spoo on a lonely night at Hedcold's house. Then again, as a result of this thread, Hedlice doesn't have to worry about such things.
Quote:Well, if this was, you expressing that feeling might actually mean something. Here, though, it just doesn't ammount to a handful of spoo on a lonely night at Hedcold's house. Then again, as a result of this thread, Hedlice doesn't have to worry about such things.
well, if this was, i'd ask to be deleted because all the cool people would be on
Quote:well, if this was, i'd ask to be deleted because all the cool people would be on

I get the sense that there is a funny hidden within this remark somewhre but alas, I can't seem to find it. Shit, and our main funny finder Arpi is away on vaction, so, i guess I will have to await his return to find out your joke.
Sean.... you can look all you want, but you won't find any funney.... I think Arpi took it with him..
SURVEY still suck. You tried fooling me be acting like there was a funny when there was no funny to be found. Bastard.
Quote:You tried fooling me be acting like there was a funny when there was no funny to be found.
You can't fool a fool;-)
i'm sorry, but did sean use spoo??????????????????? :-o
Is that how he gets his hair to do that?
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