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the EVR store has it for $10 with no s/h, which is probably cheaper than any store has it. But suit yourself.
I bought it when i saw them live few weeks back. I haven't seen it in stores either, but i paid the same ten bucks that they are selling it for at EVR
It's not crappy Emo is it?
nah coheed isn't emo. i've been listening to the cd since the show on wed. a lot though, it really does rule.
Anyone remember or hear of Dred Zepplin?
im going to buy some new music tomorrow. recomend something for me bitches.
I heard that band Thursday is pretty good.
thursday? never heard of them
Quote:i would recommend "the doves" for luna
D/loading some stuff now. :-D
Quote:Anyone remember or hear of Dred Zepplin?
they rocked!! an elvis impersonator doing reggae versions of led zeppelin tunes. and they were good.
supposedly Plant loved them!
The new Counting Crows CD is pretty good. Same for Busted Stuff, new Dave Matthews...but if you want to buy it you'll have to wait until tomorrow...
Quote:new Dave Matthews...but if you want to buy it you'll have to wait until tomorrow...

Buying Music is for Suckers
Quote:Buying Music is for Suckers

Not where I got my copy from, but still a good website...
i'm diggin the new chili peppers album
[quote]Oh yeah, Fuck Thursday

[quote]hell yes.:bouncer:
But it's like one of the best days of the week.
[quote]Oh yeah, Fuck Thursday

[quote]hell yes.:bouncer:
Quote:But it's like one of the best days of the week.
like totally, its almost like friday!:lol:
hell yes.:bouncer:
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