Full Version: Stories that stick with you.
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Quote:. Arpi just needed a fat chick.
Arpi = Lent???
i'm not fat dammit
Ever since I read the story, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, I have always been stuck with the notion, "being in a gulag would really suck",
no really, think about it.
Once there used to be a boy named kenspen who was funny. Then people began telling him how funny he was and he began to try to be funny and hence lost his humor. Now he just posts in dire hope of hitting comedy gold one more time. Reminiscent of a once fabled characature named hospitaliano, minus the porno background.... the end.
Oh the stories I could tell, the stories I could tell. Like the time Moses and I were kicking back having a beer, doing some fishing and he was telling me what God was really like. Oh the stories. :lol:
What kind of rash did you get from the burning bush?
Quote:What kind of rash did you get from the burning bush?
Things get lost in translation over the years. That harlot's bush wasn't burning until I was done with her. :lol:
I am sooooo glad I didn't fall for your "tie" ploy.:fuckoff:
But but I thought you liked that sort of thing Pen?

...... now I have to revise my whole floor plan :burnfucker:
One story that sticks out for me is how Steve Buscemi rejoined his Ladder CO. after Sept. 11th. He returned to the FDNY with little fanfare to do his part after everything went down. Steve didn't have to do such a thing nor was he expected to. Yes, I know there were and are tons of hero's who helped out, I just found it refreshing that he did it when he could have just as easily hid out in Holywood, shelterd from all the shit.
The actor Mark Harmon, pulled someone out of a burning car, in front of his house once. i thought that was nice.
most of the stories that stick out in my mind are tragedies....I have no idea why...they just do. the one that never goes away is the report on CNN after the earthquake in San Fran a few years ago during the world series. When the bi-level roadway that collapsed onto of cars, there was one car with a mother and young child (about 7-8 years old). The mother died and the boy was stuck. The only way to get the boy out was to cut through the mother's body. They couldn't sedate him cuz they were afraid that his body would go into shock with whatever injuries he might have had. Can you imagine the horror that child must have felt to watch that?
Quote:The actor Mark Harmon, pulled someone out of a burning car, in front of his house once. i thought that was nice.

Are you sure it wasn't his career that was in the burning car? Oh, wait, thats right, he doesn't have much of one anymore so it couldn't have been saved. He was great in Summer School.
The Steve Buscemi story was great of all the so called heroes who did shows and whatnot, he was the real hero. He was unselfish and deserves many accolades for his bravery.
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