Full Version: July 4th - Do you feel safe?
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Quote:High Alert
For Fourth
A new July 4 terror warning put Americans on high alert yesterday as the city and nation started counting down to a tense Independence Day. The NYPD and law enforcement officials from Maine to California were stepping up security after the FBI issued a secret warning to watch for holiday attacks.

Ummm, ok, if it's a fuckin secret then why is it on the front page of the Daily News? God, I fuckin hate reporters. TOP SECRET INFO ON BLAH BLAH BLAH INSIDE. Fuckin dolts. If it was meant to be a fuckin secret then shut the fuck up.
Quote:If it was meant to be a fuckin secret then shut the fuck up.

I've taken a few classes in journalism in college, and all my professors (who are former reporters) have told us that when the news papers "leak" information, it's not usually a secret and that someone within the agency leaks it out to the press somewhat for PR reasons. Then they also said when its legitimately a leak, they print it because they feel they're being "responsible journalists," never mind national security.
This is just the kind of crap the terroists want. If they can get Americans to worry, to stop spending money because they are affraid to go places, they will have suceeded. Fuck them. This is America. Get out and be free! Do what you want to do. It's our fucking birthday. Celebrate it!
Quote:If they can get Americans to worry, to stop spending money because they are affraid to go places, they will have suceeded.

Just because some of us won't go certain places doesn't mean that we're not spending money. I'm not going to put myself in a situation that I feel unsafe, even if my fears are unrealistic. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, the tourists can come here, enjoy what New York has to offer, and I'll spend my money elsewhere in the country, enjoying the 4th, minus the panic attack.
Quote:I'm not going to put myself in a situation that I feel unsafe, even if my fears are unrealistic.

This coming from the queen of the first date fuck? Wow, things really are all kinds of screwy.

I really wouldn't have a problem going into the city on Thursday if there was something to actually do.
Spending your money in Canada will not help our economy and there is no hope for Canada's.

In a related story,Airport Security Continues to Suck

The funny thing about this story is LAX. The security baggage checkers there are a fucking joke. They wear blue swat team like fatigues, black combat boots, black berets and yellow silk scarves around their necks. They try to look like commandos and they suck at checking for weapons. What a disgrace. :disappointed:
Quote:This coming from the queen of the first date fuck? Wow, things really are all kinds of screwy.

Really? I'd love to hear who I fucked on the "first date".
Quote:Really? I'd love to hear who I fucked on the "first date".

A joke. Realize it. Embrace it. Make it yours. Happy trails. Fool.
Quote:A joke. Realize it. Embrace it. Make it yours. Happy trails. Fool.

Realized it after I posted it, sorry, dealing with a sex rumor at work as well when in actuality it's my friend. Sorry.
Quote:with an arsenal of weaponry
Swoards? guns? :firebounce:
The sad thing is, Enron and Worldcomm have done more damage to this country post 9/11 than the terrorists could have hoped to.
i'll be working both jobs. so, if you have nothing to do and wanna eat crappy burgers in the park come on by, i'll be there after 5 :crackhead:
Gah damnit...if Chinese Food Delivery Guy doesn't get here in 5 more minutes, the terrorists have already won

I'll be doing my usual, getting some kind of liquored up while playing horseshoes and eating pounds of charred beef and pork. I love America :thumbs-up:
Quote:I love America
:toast: :thumbs-up:
July 4th is yet another of those holidays that doesn't really have any bearing on me but there are plenty of people who think that another attack might happen on July 4th and that's a real question- will there be another bomber on Independence Day? I don't think so.
Quote:July 4th is yet another of those holidays that doesn't really have any bearing on me
Does anything excite you about living in this country?
Quote:Does anything excite you about living in this country?
Freedom of speech, pot, that we get TV shows and movies earlier than a lot of other countries, pot
Our founding fathers would be so proud that their vision was realized. :disappointed:
What? I like what America stands for and I think it's a good country and I like the country itself. I just picked a couple of the things I like most about the country.
Quote:Does anything excite you about living in this country?
not to worry oas, i don't think it's got anything to do with the country, i think it's just that he doesn't ever really get excited at all...
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