Full Version: Yahoo has a new home page!!!!!!! - Omg omg
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Quote:you're begining to hit wood with how hard you're scraping the bottom of the barrel for anti-me material.

Dude, I don't think we'll ever run out of things to make fun of you about. hell, I bet we could work another 6 months out of dolphin raping if we really tried
Quote:Wake the fuck up, this isn't People talk shit to each other here all the time and most people are able to take it in stride. That's what makes this place fun for the most part.

Actually, I don't mind the jokes about sig pics or the dolphin raping, it's annoying but funny. I fully admit to the sig pic whoring, and the dolphin rape jokes are just a part of that.

It's not a matter of talking shit about each other - because at least here, people do it to your face.

No, RonFez is whole nother issue - like being accused of shit that you didn't even do thanks to cunts like PsychobitchPoisonIvy. THAT'S the difference. At least here, you know who you can like and who you can't. At Camp Nicey Nice, some of the people there will smile to your face and stab you in the back. That's not a blanket statement about the entire board - just people there who have vendettas.
Quote:At Camp Nicey Nice, some of the people there will smile to your face and stab you in the back.
So tell me, when did we start calling every day life Camp Nicey Nice?
Quote:Actually, I don't mind the jokes about sig pics or the dolphin raping, it's annoying but funny
so, what the fuck is your problem???????
I knew that was gonna come around to bite me on the ass.
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