Full Version: My girlfriend in utah - ....took care o' bidness
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LOL....Gah damn, it's good to see you too Magus!! Ever since your Pop chased me, Snuka, TFEC and Sean outta the bedroom after arcing our wads across your mom's face, we haven't been able to play...LOL!! By the way, how come your pop only went after us?? Some kind of family thing??
Quote:Ever since your Pop chased me, Snuka, TFEC and Sean outta the bedroom after arcing our wads across your mom's face, we haven't been able to play

And I had a royal flush too!!:angry: :crackhead:
Quote:a royal flush too!!
2 turds & a tampon?
I think it was for your own safety... I'm not saying my Mom's as disease riddled as Grumpy's... but she's damn close.
Quote:2 turds & a tampon?

Nah it was three crabs and four genatal warts:crackhead:
Well, I was thinking we could all shoot on over to Ladi's trailer and gnaw on the Skin Tags hanging from her baseball glove-sized cooter! <table style=filter:glow(color=Red)>YUMMYYYYY!!!!</table>
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