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Bad news, you're going to die. You just found out you have a disease that can't go away and it will kill you and soon. Luckily, the people at the Make a wish foundation are willing to do something for you.

What will be your one wish made with the help of the MAW folks?
I was actually thinking that I wish I was French bread's boy of the month so I can have such a groovy fuckin time.

Seriously, to the dismay of many, I am not due to die just yet. There is till a whole bunch of people I have yet to insult, degrade, talk down to and pretty much piss off. I can't even say what i would wish for because I have no clue.

Ikea, for the love of good, when the make the wish infomercials come on, change the fuckin station, dude.
i would wish for a fucking airconditioner.
this isn't too depressing, ikea, are you ganna die soon? :clueless:
Im sorry Ikea. My wish??? I wish I'll get some for my birthday..its been awhile Undecided
I would wish for it to never get hotter than 80. With zero humididty.....and that getting some...but before my bithday....that's not till Feb and I'll go nuts long before that:crackhead:
Quote:that's not till Feb and I'll go nuts long before that
lets do this. my birthday is Sunday. you hook me up and I'll hook you up in Feb.! :loveya:

Edited By BeckyDC on July 05 2002 at 12:04
Have you MET JerseyThunder? Why would you want sex from a Magus clone when you can just get the real thing from Sephiroth. :clueless:

I can't think of a god damn thing I'd wish for. I stink.
Quote:lets do this. my birthday is Sunday. you hook me up and I'll hook you up in Feb.!

It's a date!!:loveya: Just name the place and the time:-D
oh well. I'll stick to Max. he's always good enough for me. Confusedneak:
Max? I thought his name was Bob?? :clueless:
Quote:Have you MET JerseyThunder? Why would you want sex from a Magus clone when you can just get the real thing from Sephiroth.

Magoo clone? I don't think so satelite ears boy! I don't like going out to ATM's on a date!:fuckoff:
By clone I meant in the literal term. You're twins.
Quote:By clone I meant in the literal term. You're twins.

Not even close.
Quote:Max? I thought his name was Bob?? :clueless:
Bob passed away Undecided
I'd like to see Italy
Quote:Bob passed away
OH NO!!! :-o
Quote:OH NO!!! :-o was rough..had to bury him and everything. It's ok though..Max is his cousin.
Quote:Bob passed away

That was my wish!!! Those MAW folks are good!
Quote:By clone I meant in the literal term. You're twins
don't you mean triplets?
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