Full Version: Kfc....same lame garbage, just a new name!
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Confusedneak: Yeah, so did they
Oh no, Ladi's all woman! Even down to her 5 kids and coffee cup saucer sized!!
I knew it was Ladi...

Who could miss her unmistakable posting style?
Head up my ass?
no - legs spread wide open.
Grumpy's anger gives me a tingly feeling in my crotch and it ain't the leech on my shaft to suck off the blood from the bite marks.
Those fucks have less of a sense of humor than vos.

I know what ya mean GS, the way he looks at the camera in those panisonic commericals...mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! :toast: :poke: :fucking: :blow:
Can TFEC post one message that's not show related?? LOL!! Ummm you mean Panasonic?? Douchebag:-D
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