Full Version: I have a really sweet hunting knife
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Quote:I will place Hybrid's hand on HedCold's ass
at least i'll look like the one being used, and hybrid will be the gay one
you people need help. seriously. seek it.
Quote:you people need help. seriously. seek it.
You got a problem with:

<marquee behavior="alternate"><font size="5">pRojEcT ChAoS</font></marquee>
We are here to mourn the deceased...

CLS the Emo Fag joke.

Time of death: 12:55 Am on July the 6th

Cause of death: overexposure to Hedcold.

he will be missed.
Quote:Cause of death: overexposure to Hedcold.
any other joke that needs to be killed? i'm ready
i hope sleeper really does flip and kill you
still alive over here. sleeper is doing a shoddy job of mass murdering if you ask me.
I'll say. I'm still kicking, too.
we should cut him some slack. mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer.
Liars, if youre dead, the least you can do is admit it, sheesh
Less than 10 minutes until I get to meet Sleeper. I'm so excited.<font color=white>

Edited By Galt on July 06 2002 at 11:50
You know the move where the killer runs in and tries to stab the good guy, but the good guy grabs his wrist and drives the killer's knife into the killers stomach? That's what I'm going to do to you.
I wanna die too! :firebounce:
i'll kill you if you want maynard. i have nothing else to do.
In a few minutes maybe. I'm listening to my new CD's.
ok. just let me know. i'll be around.
sorry, I overslept. Maybe next week.
Sleeper overslept and couldn't kill us. The irony is delicious.
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