Full Version: Who would you go gay for.......
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Grumpy post:

Hey (insert name here) why don't you sit by and watch while I fuck your (insert family member's name here) while I smear (insert choice of urine, sperm or shit here) all over the walls. (insert member name here) is a (insert either fag or other homo related insult here).
are you going to keep this up Doc till you get noticed???

:lookatme: Hi, Doc.:lookatme:
I don't know Sean
I had some very high odds on this
I am waiting for Luna to respond....
my money is on a young Cher.
I see them getting all lovey dovey as they sing a duet of Half Breed while wearing Bob Mackey gowns.
Quote:I see them getting all lovey dovey as they sing a duet of Half Breed while wearing Bob Mackey gowns
:rofl: i can totally picture that!!
Quote:my money is on a young Cher.
I see them getting all lovey dovey as they sing a duet of Half Breed while wearing Bob Mackey gowns. that is a pretty cool thought!

Does it count if you would anally rape Christopher Reeves not out of attraction but just to make him feel complete and utter shame knowing he can't stop it?
No offense Ikea, but from what I've heard, I think Chris can still take ya.
Ikea, you truly scare me.

Umm, I hate pussy.

So, no one.
Anyone else feeling a Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference coming soon?

Oh, by the way Ken, lick my noodle:thumbs-up:
Quote:Does it count if you would anally rape Christopher Reeves not out of attraction but just to make him feel complete and utter shame knowing he can't stop it? do scare me at times....
10% of fags have HIV and over 75% of those don't realize it.

I also had to edit to comment on Ikea's post.

Brilliant. One of the best lines I've seen in days.

Edited By Galt on July 08 2002 at 2:55
I think that maybe 9.99999999999999998%
Arpi and Ken just got their results
No more das dooper for them
Quote:Does it count if you would anally rape Christopher Reeves not out of attraction but just to make him feel complete and utter shame knowing he can't stop it?
It's not so scary if you just think it's Ikea projecting onto Chris. He's the one that wants to be beat like a redheaded stepchild.
Quote:I am going to assume that there is a likely hood that more women might respond to this thread.
:rofl: too optimistic in this land of gey

out of 33 post, 29 are from the men here :crackhead:

For me, it's either Eliza Dushku(sp?) or Jessica Alba
Spit you have good taste in women,
Eliza whatever is one of the hottest women on the planet.
Dushku's breasts and vagina matured less than 5 miles from me.
so close,
and yet sooooooooooooooooooooooo far.
angelina jolie and julia stiles.
Had this been about a month ago, I'd say Alanis, but she's broken my heart.... :disappointed:
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