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There's none by me either, don't feel bad.

My lunch fell off my desk and onto the floor... :-(

Edit: Holy crap these look so good Mmmmmm Doughnuts

Edited By PollyannaFlower46 on July 10 2002 at 12:51

5 second rule apply??
I'm so calling my friend and making him take me to the Krispy Kreme drive thru before the week is over.

Five second rule does not apply when the food goes splattering all over the place. Oh well...

gonna get stuck with just an apple for lunch
this sux!
but getting out an hour early is what it's all about
Want some of my food from the floor?

Ughh I want a pain killer. Undecided
how clean is the floor?

Virtual Vicodine???
Its carpeted and I keep my desk area clean...I still wouldn't eat it though.

I got the real deal at home...just don't want to take it at work. Ugh....
I know...but Percasets are still my most favorites. :loveya:
And you want to go into law enforcement?
Doesn't that stuff stay in yer system for a long time?
Yes it does, but I got a perscription. As long as I have a 'scrip its A-OK. :bouncer:
You stink!
I hope your still in pain.;-)
I am still in pain... Undecided I want to go home, but I'm leaving early to go back to the doctor... :crackhead:

Woo I get to leave in an hour and eight minutes.

I don't want a pee test next week, I get pee shy.
I always imagined it harder for women to take a piss test. Do they give you a cup just like us?
What do you think we use? a spoon?
Quote:I know...but Percasets are still my most favorites
i am soooooooo jealous......i want some!!!
I like vics best, too :drool: ......percasets bother my stomach.
My favorite are Demarol! :thumbs-up:

They really do it for me!
Just got back from the doc...I've been more Vicodins for me after this sript runs out....said he'd give me Tylenol with codene but it makes me puke.....he said after I get more tests done we'll see about something stronger. :-(
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