Full Version: Ozzfest - What to expect?
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Whatever, you ain't hardcore til you grab the singer's microphone and chip your tooth on it.
Quote:but i wouldn't be caught dead doing the hardcore dancing bullshit. those guys look like figure skaters who don't realize they need ice. they are fun to laugh at usually.
I think they are much cooler
it's better to watch
they are really coordinated
When I went to school down south, a girl got hurt at a Ramones concert mosh pit - since the show was on school property, she threatened to sue. Uppity bitch. Two bruises do not equal lawsuit.
Quote:great tactic to use...stand elbows out
and don't forget to keep those elbows up!!

one of the worst pits that i've ever been in was during a biohazard show in the late 80's. that was brutal and soooo much fun!
The show was fun, but the sound sucked. POD's set was destroyed because the mics kept dropping out.

Unfortunately, drunk idiots were everywhere. We sustained some damage from dickheads who wanted free stuff
They finally rescheduled the show here..on a GAWD damn thursday!!!!!!! :fuckoff:
Quote:POD's set was destroyed because the mics kept dropping out.
What a fucking tragedy!!! :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed:
Quote:POD's set was destroyed because the mics kept dropping out.
Wait, I thought you said the set was destroyed.

And hopefully you can expect Ozzy biting the top off of Sharon's tumor.
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