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Ever notice the only song Galt ever posts in the music forum is "Cats in the Cradle"?
Galt's dad was Gordon Ghekko. Galt was just a little tike back then.
Favorite movie = Field of Dreams ???
Though while my mind is young my stomach has begun to age....
after doing a few coasters at Great Adventure on the 5th,
I went on that big yellow spinny ride by the tea cups,
then the tea cups,
where we endeavored to hit 3 Gs,
a few moments later on Medusa..........
I had a scary moment when I thought my Egg and Sausage Crossoint sandwich was going to revist me.

Edited By Ken'sPen on July 09 2002 at 10:52
Ken, some of your sentences reached the second half of the page. I think you need to do some editing.
I always buy myself toys now that I wanted when I was little but no one would buy me...I've even gone so far as buying the Tasy Bake Oven...just so I could have one. I also bought a Snoopy Ice Machine a few months ago.
I do the same thing. I still buy toys at dept. stores and even some children's books. :thumbs-up:
I have all of the Lord of the Rings action figures....
just watched Harry Potter for the 10th time...hehe

They still sell Snoopy Sno-Cone machines? I must buy one!
I have a collection of Ernie toys and stuffed piggies....

I went to Toys R Us, and they had the Snoopy Ice Machine and these Penguin Ones too.
Quote:I have all of the Lord of the Rings action figures....
You do? Where'd you get them? :bouncer:
The last figure I bought was Mad Max. I still have to complete the collection with the rest of the figures. :-D
I want the mickey mouse gumball machine...
remember the commercial (youngsters need not respond)

"here's a penny......thanks for the gumball Mickey"
My friend collects the Star Wars figures, he said the best place to go is like Wal-Mart and stuff because they seem to have more than the real toy stores.
If you can't be a kid once in awhile, what's the point??

There was a time when I felt I needed to grow up. Act like an adult. You know what? That just sucks. So now I'm back to my old ways. I think sometimes I'm 14 again without the wet dreams.

OK, so I still have wet dreams. I'm a guy, what do you expect???
you are only as old as you want to be..age is but a number, who you are inside is what matters. don't listen to others, tehy just try to kill your buzz
every now and then, i go up into the attic and take down some of my old toys.last year, i would watch thundercats every afternoon, and now, since gijoe is on cartoon network, i'm watching that at 1am every single night

and now we wait for somebody to make a joke involving my youth and how you cant relive what you're still in...
i just wanna say VRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM to all of you
But Vroooom isn't funny, nor is it acting young.
VROOOOOOOOOM can be for the young
But in it's truest form, VROOOOM is really just for the horny.
yes you are right, and only certain people can do it just the right way
but im young and horny, so its all good
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