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Quote:Hey where did Arthur go???!!!!
he through down a challenge then ran off the board!!!!
"that's sooooo lame"

Quote:where is Dent?? Pay attention to me Arthur!!! Validate me!! VALIDATE ME!!!

Ddn't know Arpi was done ejaculating over Seph's corpse. I know how much he enjoys beating on someone when they aren't around to fight back.

Didn't mean to spoil your entertainment by taking a nice extended lunch break and doing actual work.

Arpi just isn't important enough for me to go out of my way to bitch slap. Anger past. But I still dispise the prick.
Quote:I know how much he enjoys beating on someone when they aren't around to fight back.
where have you been? i chased him all over the board attacking him! you either speak from a poor memory or ignorance.
Quote:You are now my bitch. I am going to spend every moment making your time here hell.
Quote:Arpi just isn't important enough for me to go out of my way to bitch slap
glad you realized that you are way out of your league and decided to back off.
now you will have plenty of time to play with your plastic light saber in the back yard.
Arpi, you are the biggest waste of flesh. I've tried and can't think of one positive thing you have EVER contributed anywhere.

And I guess your memory is faulty because YOU didn't make Seph leave. Sean did.

Funny how you "only work three hours a day" and can't find anything better to do with the rest of your day but sit in front of a computer. Talk about a loser. When I'm not at work I'm almost never here.
Quote:YOU didn't make Seph leave
i never said i did, just that i didnt make comments behind his back. i posted my feelings about him openly and in many places.
Quote:Funny how you "only work three hours a day" and can't find anything better to do with the rest of your day but sit in front of a computer. Talk about a loser. When I'm not at work I'm almost never here.
that this has become your point of attack shows how pathetic and desperate you are. couldnt you at least find some intergalactic threat in your collection of Star Wars books, or gotten a pithy comment by pulling the string on your Yoda doll? Like i said, you are out of your league. Bore me no more!
Quote:I know how much he enjoys beating on someone when they aren't around to fight back.

where have you been? i chased him all over the board attacking him! you either speak from a poor memory or ignorance.

Acutally I was refering to this:
Apri raping a corpse
Still waving that sig pic around and pulling this juvenile shit like the 40 year old guy still bragging about that touch down pass in high school. Pathetic.

Know why I haven't written a huge Sean style manifesto against you? Because i find you completely forgetable. If your account were deleted right now, I'd rejoice and then quickly forget you were ever here. You do absolutely nothing worthy of note.


Whoever gave you that nailed it right on the head. Your a waste of bandwidth.
Before you two get any further, Sean didn't make Seph leave.

Sean hasn't made ANYONE leave this site. People have done it on their own free will.
very inventive, take a status that someone else wrote and use that to attack me. you argue like a pussy. you skills are beneath contempt. give it up. you are making a fool of yourself. go back to whining about your "book club"
Of all people to have a gripe with, you pick DENT??? One of the nicest, most neutral people on the board.

You sir, are just bored and want someone to fuck with. PATHETIC!!! :disappointed:
he started it!
My killer spics ran Seph off the board, everyone knows it.
Quote:Before you two get any further, Sean didn't make Seph leave.

Sean hasn't made ANYONE leave this site. People have done it on their own free will.
i think he refered to the yelling, "blah blah blah you suck die die die" stuff that basically makes it uncomfortable to stay, which, from what i understand, sean did to seph in the mod forum before he quit
hey, i didnt start this thread. i was finished with the whole book club thing and was walking away.

Quote:i think he refered to the yelling, "blah blah blah you suck die die die" stuff that basically makes it uncomfortable to stay, which, from what i understand, sean did to seph in the mod forum before he quit
i would love a transcript of that

Edited By Arpikarhu on July 09 2002 at 2:02
Quote:which, from what i understand, sean did to seph in the mod forum before he quit
You shouldnt assume things.
You fucking elitists and your secret forum. I HATE YOU ALL!!
maynard is just a pompus buttinsky.:disappointed:
It's spelled pompOus. Maybe if you read more books you would spell better. I suggest joining a book club.
it was a typo. i despise you.
Quote:40 year old guy still bragging about that touch down pass in high school.

Arpi is Al Bundy?

Quote:You sir, are just bored and want someone to fuck with. PATHETIC!!!
Not bored maymay. He just picks fights with people that he thinks he can beat. When he realizes that he's no match, he'll go on "YOU DON'T EXIST, I WILL NOT RESPOND TO YOU, I WILL IGNORE YOU" rampage. But yes, he IS pathetic at best.
Quote:very inventive, take a status that someone else wrote and use that to attack me. you argue like a pussy. you skills are beneath contempt. give it up. you are making a fool of yourself.

Out of my league? Your not even playing the same fucking sport. Let's look...references to the fact i like scifi...pointless babbling about how I'm not arguing effectively...nope, not a single rebuttal or counter attack...

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'><div align="center">You lose!!!</div></span>
God damn, you got that word for word.....

Bravo Grumpster. Bravo I say.
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