Full Version: Gotcha grump!! - ....bang!!
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LMMFAO...God damn Grump, that was one of the funniest things on IM in a while...Me and Snuk are just goofin with ya...after battin' WNEW around a while, we though we'd play a joke on ya. Jesus, you dropped! Smart move considering what happened the last time all of us had an IM Most of us had to use new!

Note to any of you who IM me and Snuka...if you';re asked "Who's that behind You?....LOG OFF QUICK!! This could be!!
INSIDE JOKE THREAD! :lookatme: hi keyser
It's not THAT inside. Look at Amy's AIM name. She's at 100%.

Obviously the shit brothers warned her to death.

Now look at Grumpy's. He's at 25%.

Obviously the shit brothers warned him too.

You following so far? Rolleyes
:rofl: :poke: :burnfucker:

It's been one of those days.
hardy har har
1998 called, they want your gag back.
1983 called. The condom had a pin hole in it.
1998 called 2002...said "Hoo-Hoo, you're ripping me off"...LOL!!

Edited By Bag of Shit Howie on July 10 2002 at 12:46
Hehehe......'bout time Grump got "got" at that game :rofl:
Well i guess we'll have to use this as a forum to communicate seeing that nobody's answering their IM's for fear of being "Bolted"!!
Yet another reason I'm happy my AIM isn't working :lol:
LOL..yeah, lucky for you Metal! We'd have "Japped" your ass just like we did! Now nobody's answering their IM'!

Edited By Bag of Shit Howie on July 10 2002 at 1:45 I'm fucking surprised to hear that one Howie!! Wouldn't be the first time you tried to storm a member of my family.....the cat is still traumatized
Yeah, only this time it would have gotten it from both!!
Who drew ass in the coin toss this time. Not that either of you chum guzzlers mind...LOL
Actually we both shared that part, afterwards, the cat's face resembled a glazed krispy kreme donut!!
Which Snuk used to lure the neighbor's kids out again I suppose :poke:
ive been having fun getting ass raped all day, ill get the final word, dont you worry god that was fun yesterday. I dont know which bought more pleasure bringing grump to 100% or amy. You'll get the last word huh amy? are you really sure about that?

Ill use you and then toss you away like a 7 year old with a bad acne problem. I will pop all those zits and milk the in grown hair pods....smear the juices on my kiddie cornhusker and ravage your cooky hole.
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