Full Version: Danger sex - Or, how to make sex no fun
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Quote:Then, she wanted to talk and I wanted to crawl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep.

seems like someone is on the precipice of making a major lifestyle choice.
Quote:I couldn't come for the life of me.
It's so nice we are all so comfortable here, we tell each other this stuff :moonie: :lol:
Or just hold a gun to your head....either one.
Quote:In the future, have her blow you at knifepoint.

Why would I want to turn her on?

Quote:seems like someone is on the precipice of making a major lifestyle choice

Only in your dreams, Fucknut.

Quote:It's so nice we are all so comfortable here, we tell each other this stuff

After some of the shit I have read here, why not?
Quote:I couldn't come for the life of me.
They have pills for that
Quote:They have pills for that
Do they? Do they really affect that? I thought it was just to get it up, they never really mention if you pop off or not ... but I guess that is the point.
I'm just guessing
You'd think
What's the pleasure of getting it up if yah can't pop?
"To please my partner" Confusedneak: :moonie: Rolleyes

or some other equally gay line, just to get the chick in the sac :rofl:
Quote:Do they? Do they really affect that? I thought it was just to get it up, they never really mention if you pop off or not ... but I guess that is the point

This may be the first and only time we need OAS or Metal to reply to something.
That's NOT just a line.
Quote:That's NOT just a line.
"Wanna see my flashlight?"
Nice shoes
Let's have meaningless sex.
Quote:Let's have meaningless sex.

:crackhead: :crackhead: :crackhead: Says the girl doin Alkey.:crackhead: :crackhead: :crackhead:
Recreational sex :fucking: better than vitamins
You should stick with the cat and the tuna oil, Sean Wayne Bobbitt.
i could go for a nice hand release right about now
Lazy fuck :poke:
No fuck
Just a hand release
I feel pent up
Pages: 1 2