Full Version: I'm hiding
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Haven't you been banished to the hole? Or did you just come here for some quiet time?
LunaBabe Wrote:Haven't you been banished to the hole? Or did you just come here for some quiet time?
I came here to get away from everyone else.

But no one will leave me alone.
Ok, I shall leave you be. Farewell.
LunaBabe Wrote:Ok, I shall leave you be. Farewell. can stick around, if I can have some more of that wonderful anal you give out.
How many cookies ya got left?
LunaBabe Wrote:How many cookies ya got left?
How many do you require?
One chocolate chip.
LunaBabe Wrote:One chocolate chip.
Just one chocolate chip? In that case, what do I get for the whole cookie?
What do you require?
Will you do my laundry?
Maynard Wrote:Will you do my laundry?
Ok. :real good:
Hmmm...guess Maymay didn't want to part with his cookie.
I give out the damned cookies! I have a whole box mind you. Does that account for anything in this little deal? :confused:
......little do they realize that with Grumpy's vengeful help Magus has abducted the Keebler elves and is even now plotting the capture of the Pilsbury Doughboy... soon his awful plan for world domination through the monopolization of cookies will come to fearfull fruition...............
Sean Cold Wrote:I give out the damned cookies! I have a whole box mind you. Does that account for anything in this little deal? :confused:
So...what? Do you want anal, too?
Well, that all depends on how deep and what you plan on shoving in my ass.
Lord Magus Wrote:......little do they realize that with Grumpy's vengeful help Magus has abducted the Keebler elves and is even now plotting the capture of the Pilsbury Doughboy... soon his awful plan for world domination through the monopolization of cookies will come to fearfull fruition...............
psst, magus...the cookies are for buttfucking luna, not maynard
Quote:Topic: I'm hiding
get the fuck out of my room jackass :no, really, fuck off:
Pages: 1 2