Full Version: Arpikarhu makes hitler look like a teletubby!
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This guy wants to massacre and torture little Malaysian people and burn them all to the stake! I can't believe someone could hate someone who's done nothing!
27 posts.

where have you been?
I missed this bus! What are you talking about?
[Image: Moron.jpg]
Quote:This guy wants to massacre and torture little Malaysian people and burn them all to the stake! I can't believe someone could hate someone who's done nothing!
who doesn't wanna do that? :clueless:
Fuck, i knew I should of blocked anyone under 500 posts from starting a fuckin thread!

I may be wrong, though. He may not be a friend of Laurie but instead be in cahoots with LZ,

One LZ is enough, why don't you go read the Nutritonal Value chart and the back of all your cereal boxes? You may learn something.
CrimsonKing, you disgust me.
Who the fuck is CrimsonKing? :clueless:
I am sooooooooooo confused. :clueless:
What else is new Luna. :poke:
Nothing much, but, thanks for asking, Maymay. :poke:
tip toes in........
think Gonzo will be in this thread too????Rolleyes
i dunno but impactplayer is a poster
Quote:i dunno but impactplayer is a poster

Hey everyone, we can relax now, Columbo is on the case.

Sorry Keyser but if I can piss you off I can fill my Mod Bingo card today.

Edited By Ken'sPen on July 12 2002 at 4:29
Who is impactplayer?

Is that a member here?
does post count mean something?
i dont get it and its about me.

by the way, impact player is also on PB's board
i blame sean
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