Full Version: LENT!!!!
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fuckin ingrates, ruin everything :crackhead:
This is just a cotton picking shame.

Nothing more, nothing less.

God help me, this may be the first time I wish Maynard was around so he could blow a fuse.
[unsuspecting bait] :lookatme: Hi Lent! :lookatme: [/unsuspecting bait]
damn it, Moron, he already crawlled back to your site like a spineless crackhead with a fresh fiver in his pocket, don't ruin it for us!
Quote:damn it, Moron, he already cralled back to your site...
:rofl: that's a good one...:rofl:
You know what?

Fuck this, if the shitneck is not going to reply, let him just not reply in the cell.
NICE! :moonie:
damn darkies! They always have to roll up in the joint and ruin the party. Bringin their 9's and 40's. I say we kill em all.
Quote:roll up in the joint
:fuggin: duuude, it's 11am (that's late enough right? ... damn work) :headbang:
Wanna do some bong hits with Davey?

So Sean, I think I figured out what the problem is. You didn't have any Goth Whales or half naked underage girls at the party. That would have SURELY brought him out.
Quote:That would have SURELY brought him out.
doubt it, the closet is too deep
Quote:Goth Whales

You know, if you chant that thrree times in front of your computer, we may get lucky and have InkGrrrl start posting.

When I say lucky, I do mean lucky in the sense of getting hit by a truck was really lucky.
maybe he realized Inkgrrrl isn't around.
lol you look pretty in blue, lent.
Hey, DIG, isn't amazing how some one can look so pretty with his name in sky blue when he likes playing the victem and tells everyone he is banned? Silly negros, never cease to amaze.

I leave to go on a mini-vacation and I come back and there's a Lent thread. Damnit, I miss all the good stuff.

Yes, Lent's slow. He's always chasing after the pickup truck after his two other friends jump on it.
Hi Lent!! I see you logged in. :lookatme:
lent, its funny how much you hate our site but you can't help but keep coming back. guess that makes you a hypocrate, doesnt it?
Lent shall not be removed from the cell until he posts in this thread, thats it, end of story. Silly dial up using negroid is such a joke at this point.
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