Full Version: I hate cleaning - And i'm stuck here doing it all by mysel
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f, who wants to help?????? :crackhead:

Edited By crx girl on July 15 2002 at 5:40
That's a girl's job. I ain't helping.
[Image: superglobe.jpg]
well, the dishes are done, just taking a smoke break, then i have to move everything out of the kitchen and sweep and mop :crackhead:
[nelson from simpsons]Ha Ha[/nelson from simpsons]
Quote:i have to move everything out of the kitchen and sweep and mop

That's the worst job. I'd rather clean bathrooms than sweep and mop. I have 2 dogs and a cat...sweeping results in flying tumbleweed. Yuck.
If your lucky your boyfriend will creep up behind you and give you the rod when your in the middle of that. I know I would. There's nothing better than chick with a bottle of Pinesoll disinfectant and a mop in her hand.
Quote:flying tumbleweed
yup, i have 3 cats and they've been shedding like crazy, my allergies are killing me. i even gave my one cat a bath because the hair's just been flying off him all week :crackhead:
Quote:If your lucky your boyfriend will creep up behind you and give you the rod when your in the middle of that. I know I would.

You crazy romantic you! :lol:
mmmmm. cleaning. you should really think about hiring me to clean your place dear:thumbs-up:
I wish I could afford a cleaning person!
well, if you wear the french maid outfit...
I just hate cleaning the bathroom.....and as far as hairy tumble-weeds, ya'll ain't got nothing on me! :crackhead:
i love being under Luna:thumbs-up:
Quote:and as far as hairy tumble-weeds, ya'll ain't got nothing on me!

Luna, I hear many women are now shaving that area.....
the earth momma muff is soooooooo 70s.
I ain't got no "momma-muff", Pen.......try a "Mohawk"......
Quote:.......try a "Mohawk"......
typical injun woman...... but why, are they kinky?
Quote:well, if you wear the french maid outfit...
You bring the tool blet & ring the doorbell