Full Version: Is ozzy a fake? Say it ain't so...
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Well, this could be either bitterness or the truth...the dude has a right to be pissed, they actually re-recorded his bass work and the drum work from Blizzard of Oz and Diary of a Madman when they "re-issued" the albums. Fuck Sharon!

Ozzy's faking it?

Is Ozzy trying to say he wrote all the lyrics when in reality, he was in such bad shape at the time, there's no way he could have done anything? He probably really does think he wrote them, he was too fucked up to know any different...
That's seriously fucked up!
<marquee>:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: </marquee>
As a long time Ozzy fan/ avid guitar player/ and audiophile... this doesn't surprise me in the least.

If you listen to any of those albums.... they are no less produced and concoted by engineers/ studio musicians/ producers than Brittany Spears or Hanson. Ozzy albums are VERY calculated in all aspects including arrangement/music/mixing etc etc, and it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't write lyrics at all.
This ruins things soooooooo much, I don't wanna hear anymore!!!!!!!!!

:bow: <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>OZZY</span> :bow:
Next thing you're gonna tell me that NSYNC doesnt write their own music. I see right through you, dreamsmasher.