Full Version: Concerts in central park - What to bring?
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My friend and I are going to see John Mayer in Central Park tomorrow night, neither of us have ever been to a show in the park and we can't figure out what to bring (blanket v chair, food, etc)...anyone been to a show in the park? Can you see no matter where you end up or should we run straight to the park from work? Thanks.
a gun and some mace
Depends on where the concert is. Is it on the summer stage?

If so, you can see no matter where you are.
Yea, its on the summer stage. Thanks for the info.
Quote:John Mayer

Not a fan? :lol:
Nah. usually like musicians with talent...:crackhead:
He's very talented...he has an ego the size of Texas, but he's talented nonetheless, you're just mad he insulted your demigod.
Quote:He's very talented...he has an ego the size of Texas, but he's talented nonetheless, you're just mad he insulted your demigod.

Confuseduicide: :fuckoff:
So now that I know I can see, should we bring anything with us?
Do you need tickets for those shows?
Yea, the show is actually sold out, tickets were $30 plus Ticketmaster rape charges.
FYI, Sonic Youth is playing there on August 11th
Quote:Yea, the show is actually sold out, tickets were $30 plus Ticketmaster rape charges.
stealing my lines now, are we? :lol:

mayer is good. dave is better. and yeah i saw some interview thing with him the other day, somebody really needs to drop-kick his ego down a few notches.
Not only that, but he could use some under eye concealer, he should borrow mine.
i know not of his ego, can someone please give me some quotes?
summer stage is a great place to see a show. i saw ani there last summer. :bouncer:
Quote:should we bring anything with us?

Me :lookatme:
What the fuck has this guy done to warrant 30$ concert tickets?? Fucking cunt ass cocksucking douchefuck.
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