Full Version: Making through a shitty day - how do you do it?
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Oh God...
Please fucking kill me now. Confusedhot:
Arpikarhu Wrote:i try to remind myself that if i stay upbeat and think positivley that i can turn a bad day into a happy one. I realize that if a day is bad its only because i've fallen prey to negative thoughts. I start thinking of how lucky i am to be alive in this beautiful world and all of a sudden, the day isnt bad anymore.
I hope this works for you.
Arpi, you are scaring me now. :eek:
Quote:Arpi, you are scaring me now.
there is nothing to fear sweet one. If you join me in my state of bliss you will have nothing to fear again. you will only feel the love and compassion of your fellow human beings. Just keep a positive attitude and try to always be helpful.
If someone joins you in this sate of bliss of yours, i think I might just have to shut this shit hole down due to excessive happiness. I do believe you are filling the happy quota at this point.

My god, you weren't even in the fuckin hole for a full day! Confusedhot: Confusedhot: Confusedhot:
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Quote:Arpi, you are scaring me now.
there is nothing to fear sweet one. If you join me in my state of bliss you will have nothing to fear again. you will only feel the love and compassion of your fellow human beings. Just keep a positive attitude and try to always be helpful.
serenity NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! :burnfucker: :burnfucker: :burnfucker:
crx girl Wrote:serenity NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! :burnfucker: :burnfucker: :burnfucker:
Arpikarhu Wrote:there is nothing to fear sweet one. If you join me in my state of bliss you will have nothing to fear again. you will only feel the love and compassion of your fellow human beings. Just keep a positive attitude and try to always be helpful.
Reverend Moony... is that you?
I guess they had Seinfeld in England...who knew
I had one of those yesterday and you just take the shit cause in the end, what the fuck can you do?

I get pissed, smoke a cig listen to some music or curse out someone I don't know and pray for someone to get into a fight with me. Or i'll piss in my bosses sink like I did yesterday.

Fuckin awful day but how many people can say they got yelled at by a news anchor.
Quote:I just tried to take a fuckin walk with the walkman blaring some harsh agressive shit and believe it or not, it seemed to help.
I'm a big fan of music played at an innapropriate level when I'm pissed. Getting other people upset because they have to listen to my music because it is that loud seems to perk me up a bit.

I also have to say that people-watching generally makes me fell better. I'm not talking about leaning a ladder aganist your neighbor's 14 year old's bedroom window, I mean I'll go for a walk in the city as the bars are lettnig out and just watch all the people that are around. I don't know why, but that usually puts me a in a better mood, just walking around and seeing people interact with each other, fight with each other, stumble onto subway cars, I guess it reminds me how stupid little things can be so enjoyable (not including Arpi's rape rod though)
I always find solace in the fact that any bad time will eventually end. The thing that keeps me going is that before you know it, it's over anyway.

"Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."
Kid Afrika Wrote:don't pet the sweaty things
You never masturbate?
I know I will sound like I am totally lying, but I don't have days where I get totally pissed off. I try my hardest to be an upbeat, happy person. I do have a lot of days where I get pretty depressed though. Then I call my best friend and talk to her for 2 or 3 hours and I feel better.
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:I know I will sound like I am totally lying, but I don't have days where I get totally pissed off. I try my hardest to be an upbeat, happy person. I do have a lot of days where I get pretty depressed though. Then I call my best friend and talk to her for 2 or 3 hours and I feel better.
how nice that you have a way to shoo away the blues.
if only everyone was as good as you at turning that frown upside down. thank you for sharing, i hope it inspires some of our more dour members. peace be with you.
Ok, thats it. I am at the point where I am going to hunt Arpi down. I will then proceed to tie him to a radiator and douse him with then while he withers in pain, I want to stick a glass rod into his penis. I will leave the room as I put his favorite porno tape on and come back 5 minutes to break the fuckin rod. :no, really, fuck off: :no, really, fuck off:
Please Sir...
May I join this posse?
Sluggo Wrote:Please Sir...
May I join this posse?
Yeah man, no doubt. I think I just discovered how I will get through a shitty day. I will just hunt down this flower holding freak, i said freak, I said this flower holding freak and torture him!

we need a basement though in a lower class nieghborhood, any thoughts? :confused:
I wouldn't call it lower class...
But Moron's basement would be perfect...
It's on a fairly busy street...
No one will hear a thing...
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