Full Version: A game server - For cdih
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You can buy ithere

As for playing with a downloaded copy you do need a unique cd key unless there is some hack I do not know of(I have a legit copy).

On a sidenote I'm going to be running this off my main computer but in a little bit when I fix an extra computer I have I'll be able to set up a dedicated computer. Right now it only has 256 megs of ram so I'll have to add another stick. I would much rather run a dedicated server. If anyone has a 256 meg stick of sdram laying around that they either would give me(preferable lol) or sell me contact me.
Quote:Jedi Knight 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Unreal Tournament(I'll change it to Unreal Tournament 2003 once it comes out)

These games work for me - as for UT3002, that might require a new vid card for some people, I hear it's gonna be sort-of a hog. Anyone with a GF3Ti500 or better should be ok, a Ti200 might require you to tweak your in-game settings down.

As for America's Army, that would be cool too, though I haven't played it yet. I'm still working on downloading the game, but everyone that has played it is loving it.
I've played the beta of UT2003 and it plays on my GF2 Pro. You just have to turn the settings.
I played Tac ops (mod for UT) last year, but the new version (Assault on Terror) sucks donkey balls. if you could set up a tac ops 2.2 server, i'd definately be down for that. otherwise regular UT is fine too.
So... When is this server idea going to come to fruition?
Quote:So... When is this server idea going to come to fruition?
newb w4t 15 4 m4tt3r w1t j00 d4/\/\/\/\17
Give me a little bit. I've been trying to configure my router to let me serve games but its not yet working.
Port forwarding can be such a bitch. Good luck. I look forward to getting my assed kicked in the near future.
Ok finally. The server is up. The name of it is "Cold Day in hell JK2" the password is cdih. is the direct ip if you like to connect that way. Come on in because I don't like playing with bots lol.
Ok the server has having some weird problems as some of you know so I shut it down to tweak it.
i got killed.

many times.

many, many times.

am died twice
Yeah I whupped your pussy sith ass. What the weird problem was when I make the server public, 8-10 people connect instantly. WHen I make it private only 2 people are able to connect for some reason.

Edited By AdolescentMasturbator on July 22 2002 at 11:27
:angry: :fuckoff:
You must still be down as I just tried to connect and got no response.
Yeah I'm going to redo this tomorrow.
Sweet. Just let me know which game. I have all but Half Life.
I'm going to retry JK2, then RtCW. Q3-engine games are nice because I don't have to keep changing my port forwarding settings because they all use the same thing.

Then probably UT and maybe sof2.
Quote:I have all but Half Life
Wow - what's stopping you from getting this game? The free mods alone make it worth the $$.
I want to pick it up, but I don't want to wait for it to come in the mail. When I actually have the dough laying around for it, I want it then.

Just means that I will have to get my ass over to Best Buy and see if they still have the original or the platinum sitting around for purchase.
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