Full Version: Anybody wanna cyber?
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I know, Hedlice, it sucks, but, thats the type of person GS is.
wow, you almost sound like you actually care.

did gs get to you too?
GS has gotten to all of us. :-(
Quote:did gs get to you too?

No sir, but not for a lack of trying. I just run alot faster than him although I did wake up in a little pain at a piano shop once, but we aren't allowed to speak of the dreaded piano shop party!
pussies the lot of you.
maybe if you had better candy to offer...
suck on the end of a shotgun and pull the trigger jelly boy.
i'm not that big of fan of jelly candy either Undecided
peanut butter?
ahh I bet you like the nuts my boy...
sometimes they just get in the way
what the fuck?
Not a fan of the ladies eh?
i think he dislikes peanut butter. what a weirdo
I see some hot sailors on the board, WOO WOO!!!!

Anchors away, who wants to port with me?
wheres that klansman brokenjaw when you need him?
Quote:Tell Grk I said hi.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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