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:loveya: is a word?

sleeper beat me to it.get a life you stupid sit here and post on message boards all day, but we really dont give a fuck about you and your lack of sleep.die

Edited By fbdlingfrg on July 22 2002 at 12:07
k1d you truly are sad. its quite obvious that you take things more personally that just about anyone else here. you want everyone else to have thick skin while you take offense to nearly anything somone says to you. its a two way street.

i'm all for people who like to stir the pot and keep things interesting but you just do it for fucks sake. you claim not to care about this board but you begged to come back. you are as transparent as the day is long.

if you really don't care, don't post and enjoy your success. we are all very proud of you.
Quote:but you begged to come back
that sir, is a falsehood.
Quote:if you really don't care, don't post and enjoy your success.
I don't have to care to enjoy fucking with people. Sometimes, you people are more controllable than an R/C car.
i forgot to mention predictable
Holy shit!

I just realized Kid A is the Real Master of Puppets!

damn it, I hate when something comes to me 4 pages late.

I suck.
Quote:i forgot to mention predictable
yeah well, you never fall for it. I guess you figured me out. pfft!

I've been doing the same shit, and explaining it every time FOREVER... and yet, people still walk right into this shit. oft times I think it's just too easy.
Quote:oft times I think it's just too easy.
Paging SLASH. Are you there SLASH?
Quote:oft times I think it's just too easy.
oft times i wonder why you think its so hard to do what you do.
Maybe, just maybe k1d, people are playing you just as much as you're playing them. But I'm sure you think that thatsuperior brain power of yours it too hard to figure out.
Quote:Maybe, just maybe k1d, people are playing you just as much as you're playing them. But I'm sure you think that thatsuperior brain power of yours it too hard to figure out.

No, figuring out what you just typed, now thats hard.

Did KidA chase EmoStyle out of here, that was mean.
Sorry. :fuggin:
I am starting to understand why you post one words and smileys all the time, I still think you suck the juice out of a baboon, but I understand.
Yeah, see what happens when I use too many words? I've got fuckin LZMF disease.
Do you think the darkie is pissed about the whole chinaman episode and is rebelling?
Quote:oft times i wonder why you think its so hard to do what you claim to do.
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