Full Version: Things your afraid to admit......but im not!
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Fingers?? Why start off her like a sock puppet and show her how a real girl's supposed to take!! Ask Ladi, i'm sure she can confirm it.

I remember watching ladi sit down in her old buick skylark. She opened the door swung her ass in to sit down....and before ya knew it the entire car was gone. nobody knew what happened to it until later on in the night i poked her in the ass with a maple tree branch and i heard the buick horn.
I cannot confirm or deny anything at this time. I would like to say, though, .......... beep beep
Beep beep. Beep beep, her ass goes beep, beep, beep!!:poke:
I ate an apple once without washing it.
I pissed on that apple 10 minutes earlier..hehe. Didn't the fact that an apple that tastes like a wet penny cause you any concern??
Yeah, that's why your beer had that funny foam
Kinda like the same foam that drips outta your greasy box when ya get excited?? Only beer foam eventually goes!
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