Full Version: Hey hedfag!!!@@#$!!! - CDIH -AM Thread Of The Day
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emo fights they don't
Quote:I've got a big fat fuckin bone to pick with you too
Fights are always better when you steal the lines from Alkaline Trio songs:lol:
It was an homage, douche
Do you guys REALIZE the gayness that oozes from this thread??
you are not helping the cause
Quote:I just pissed my pants laughing fuckers

Quote:Do you guys REALIZE the gayness that oozes from this thread??

Either you like it or you don't. Make up your mother fuckin mind, FMMaynard!

I was :fuggin: last night. I know not what teh funney is when :fuggin:.
Quote:It was an homage, douche
sure it was. see this thread is full of LIARS!!!!!
Thread of the Day????
Slim pickens huh?:lol:
You have no sense of humor. This was brilliant satire.

Typical Sleeper material, which is why I hired him.
I hate Crypty!

Lucent down to 1.63....eff you.
Seriously. I would invest in WorldCom before Lucent.
My asshole has a better chance of jumping higher than Lucent ever will again. Plus the smell is a lot worse.
Ftard????? Who the fuck widened the doors again to let that gigantic melon in here????
I try to get away, and I keep gettin dragged back from the back of a pick up truck. Petal, you just miss my delicious anal odors. I know you were jonesin.
Dude, I'm just waiting for your huge pumpkin head to explode all over the place. I think that splattered brains will really liven up the place :thumbs-up:
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