Full Version: Heard of hotline?
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Who here has heard of hotline?

Also, those of you who have, would you be interested in helping me set up a server?

I have quite a few games, and over 400 MP3's sorted alphabetically by first name of the artist/group. I have most of the adobe apps as well as a few others.

I would be willing to whore out my cable connection and set up a Hotline Server and let you all download, but I would need some uploads.

This would be a CDIH only thing and would be password protected.

Let me know if you are interested. I have a 100gb hard drive here with only about 10gb's filled.
Ok.. forget Hotline. Just found out that it no longer exhists...

I will figure out another way to do it then..
Mp3s are fine to distribute but I'm weary about a cdih distribution about photoshop since Adobe often likes to have their lawyers contact hosts about those kinds of things. And I don't think Sean would like the idea of Adobe calling our host and having them shut us down.
I would be hosting it, as a server. I just would only allow CDIH members to connect to it via login/password.