Full Version: Gooch!!!
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haha, you said moot.
i'm back. and hybrid, my posse is sooo much bigger and badder than your posse. they will make your posse cry like little bitches. I will emerge victorious, for i am the king of internet brawling!
Pffft, this fight is just a poor man's Sleeper/Hedcold
i feel soooo ripped off. lets fight about it
Your days of feeling safe at board gatherings are over.
OMGOMGOMG another threat. how sad are you?
well, how sad do you think you are? i'm waiting for an answer...
i smell emo
:-( <--that sad
hahh you responded. you really are sad

on a side note -
Quote:All's fair in Internet arguments.
that was one of the lamest things i've ever heard.
Quote:i smell emo
its not me, i just showered all of the emo away:-D
CLS, I wish you would take my radio to bathe with you...Plugged in and ready to fall.
in case you haven't heard i'm sick and tired of trying.
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