Full Version: Viva La Resistance! - Meeting Room
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Pages: 1 2
Yes Spit. And both bands fuckin ROCKED!!!
My apolagies men and women of the Resistance. We shant be found again. The new security system shall keep ArpiKenLu out!
I want everyone to be aware, that we will be having a new member of La Resistance!

But I want to warn you, that this person was once a high ranking official of ArpiKenLu, but was brainwashed by their oppressors. Please give them a warm welcome when they arrive and don't hold any grudges. They will prove to be a valuable assett.
Quote:Please give them a warm welcome when they arrive and don't hold any grudges. They will prove to be a valuable assett.
Are we talking about Luna's boobs again?
Pages: 1 2