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a couple of mods dont get included in the fun, so they have to go and ruin it by trying to push their way in. losers.
I think FTL coded his way into all their accounts,
it's the only reasonable explanation for the insanity.
Yeah you've never ruined a gag mister spot light.
might as well have maynerd, gonzo and spit just tell us how they want the day to go and save us the trouble of posting
I'd like a tea in the morning, you to slit your wrists mid-day... that's about it.
they should adopt us first and teach us how to post
" now when they say that, you say....DILLON"
then we all laugh.....simultaneously.
i just have to remember to include you 3 in all of my posts from now on
we were no match for GonzoMaySpit,
though I hear he swallows.
You're a retard Arpi. Just shut the fuck up. You have no idea what happened today and you're just pissed off that you weren't in the fun.
Quote:we were no match for GonzoMaySpit,
though I hear he swallows.
did they say you could post that?
You know what you two have one good idea and it gets defiled and you get all pissy. Primma donnas no one went out purposely to ruin your shit ok. People fuck up and trust me arpi no ones fucked up more than you. Why don't you go whine about quiting again? You've defiled more threads with your bullshit more than anyone can count.

I'm fuckin sorry, ok but don't get all fuckin high and mighty on me like I am out to destroy something you do. So kindly suck my dick and go whine somewhere else until you get another decent idea in 4 months.
Quote:You're a retard Arpi. Just shut the fuck up. You have no idea what happened today and you're just pissed off that you weren't in the fun.

he just described the Mod Squad creedo from the last couple of days.
Quote:You're a retard Arpi. Just shut the fuck up. You have no idea what happened today and you're just pissed off that you weren't in the fun.
see? now i've angered them by not pre-approving my posts. I am so sorry. I feel shame
Sorry arpi and ken we'll all follow your orders from now on, command me.
See I got the "cornholing little boys" status, because Maymay was in on the joke and he thought fucking it up at every turn would help sell it to the board.
[Image: weenies.jpg]
If Seph were here none of this would have happened,
because you would have been safetly locked away and kept from trying such board shennanigans.
Hold on ken I'll mod you and you can run the board.
If Seph were here none of this would have happened,
because you would have been safetly locked away and kept from trying such board shennanigans.

hey look I doubled.....
I am an ass.

Edited By Ken'sPen on July 24 2002 at 11:25
Quote:See I got the "cornholing little boys" status, because Maymay was in on the joke and he thought fucking it up at every turn would help sell it to the board.
it helps him to feel "cool".
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