Full Version: What was that?
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Pages: 1 2 3
sounds like the sounds of sweet nothings, what happened? I dunno, YES!!!
It sounded like poop to me.
Quote:It sounded like poop to me.

Everyone got their rations?

[Image: prozac.gif]
is that the strongest you have? :lookatme:
Quote:is that the strongest you have?

Special Delivery from Wallsttycoon...

[Image: cocaine.jpg]

is he hangin with pinknips?
I dunno last I heard she od'ed like Ginger in Casino.
[Image: 200needles.jpg]
Quote:[Image: 200needles.jpg]

What are the contents of ladi's purse?

Edited By GonzoStyle on July 25 2002 at 7:10
Quote:I dunno last I heard she od'ed like Ginger in Casino.

really? that's pretty disturbing, jokes aside.
Quote:really? that's pretty disturbing, jokes aside.

Goochy I was jokin, lol let's not start taking things too seriously or afrika is gonna have a reason to post.
My stash is looking low. I better get back out to the corner to get my $$ back up
Quote:I better get back out to the corner to get my $$ back up

drop buy baby, I got a crisp 5 waiting.
where'd all the mods go?

Edited By criticslovesnatch on July 25 2002 at 8:01
what mods?
ixnay on hetay odsmay!
did la resistance flush all the mods away?

because to me it loosk like la resistance flushed all the mods away.
Quote:Goochy I was jokin, lol let's not start taking things too seriously or afrika is gonna have a reason to post.


just makin sure, b/c,sadly, it wouldn't surprise me.
Pages: 1 2 3