Full Version: We are the cdih youth
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We're not the first, I hope we're not the last
Cause I know we're all headed for that adult crash
why do you feel the need to do this AM? why cant you give us a break and wait to see what the changes will be before acting like this? relax and wait. if after things are done and you dont like it , then say something
Wait you mean this is real? It all isn't one elaborate gag?
So when's the coke gonna run out and the board return to a normal state again?
Why don't we just put the board back to like it was on TUESDAY? Come on guys. Rally with me. La Resistance can overcome this force.
Quote:Wait you mean this is real? It all isn't one elaborate gag?
no its not. cut us some slack and give it a chance
i have that stupid youth of a nation song by pod in my head now. bastards
Damnit I was making a Reagan Youth reference. Not P.O.D, they fucking suck balls.
we are we are, the youth of a na-ay-tion
i'm really dissappointed in you kids :disappointed:
the time is so little, the time belongs to us
why's everybody in such a fucking rush?
i hope this joke is over soon
its not a joke. get used to it
make do with what you have
take what you can get
pay no mind to us
we're just a minor threat!
uh huh...i see.
Fuck you, Ken.
Arpi is not worth my breath