Full Version: Sean invents mans first time machine
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and i dont? hmmmph
In the last few I got up like 150 higher than it is now...LMAO...
Oh well...
Back to work!
Where's Ken?
We need to go back and forth for a few hours to regain what we both lost. ;-)
Quote:Where's Ken?
We need to go back and forth for a few hours to regain what we both lost.

what did you lose... beside the respect of your fellow posters?
I don't kid myself into thinking people respect me.
Quote:I don't kid myself into thinking people respect me.
sure... now you gotta drag a brotha into it.... you just a playa hata...
I joined on the 25th. Had about 7 or 8 posts, but know they are all gone. So this is technically my first post on this board. Be Kind. I'm a newbie.:firebounce: :toast:
Quote:can Sean send me back so I can try to figure out what the fuck has gone on in the last week?

To give your burnt out brain enough time. We'd have to send you far back, enough to the point where you didn't even know what a hemp plant was.

Tenbats quit, wtf?
Quote:I joined on the 25th. Had about 7 or 8 posts, but know they are all gone. So this is technically my first post on this board. Be Kind. I'm a newbie.
Bend over prag.
If jack wasn't asst. admin, he'd be jackmehoff right about now.

Does this mean we lost all those new members, like froy?
Yeah, but I hear that we'll gain a poster by the handle of "Lost Fayth," at least until she moves to California....
Fayth posting, hahah such shenanigans.
Who are you people? :clueless:
Wanna show us your boobs in place of silera? We lost hers, kim :disappointed:
Quote:tenbats quit, wtf?

The quitting thread was a joke, my lame attempt at teh funney, to show how fucking stupid goodbye threads are and how attentionwhoring they are
please ignore previous poster. he quit the board and is now a backpedaling weeny!! ignore him to the fullest extent of your abilities to ignore. thank you and have a nice day

Edited By Arpikarhu on July 28 2002 at 10:51
I may not equal teh funney, but you are definitely teh stoopid.
please ignore previous poster. he quit the board and is now a backpedaling weeny!! ignore him to the fullest extent of your abilities to ignore. thank you and have a nice day
Ignore who? :clueless:
yeah, arpi's just modding 101. annoy, annoy, annoy...driving a funny into the ground.
Arpi drives into the ground much like Flight 93.
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