Full Version: Patience please. upgrades in progress - Do not defile!!
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Quote:nah.... if my capacity was limited i'd stick to reading Arpi & Ken posts
i dont know why you have all of a sudden decided to jump in my shit but you can go fuck yourself. have a nice day.
i need cliff notes too sometimes
Quote:i dont know why you have all of a sudden decided to jump in my shit but you can go fuck yourself. have a nice day.
anybody got a turtle shell mr. newbie mod can use to protect his sensative skin?
I guess you haven't noticed, Arpi, Moron is up in EVERYBODY'S shit...
He's not singling you out...
He hates us all.
i do. turtles are cool.
Quote:I guess you haven't noticed, Arpi, Moron is up in EVERYBODY'S shit...
He's not singling you out...
He hates us all.
:fuckoff: :fuckoff: :fuckoff:
don't you have somebody to cry your "I used to be a Mod" stroy to?
That hasn't been an issue with me...
Sure, I'd like to be back, but, if I'm not...
Oh well, la dee da...

Besides, you know you love to bust everyones balls...
No one is really safe...
I wish i could find these cliffnotes somewere, cause times like this is when i really need em.
All of the people that signed up and were approved in the last 2 days aren't members now?
They're gonna run screaming "I didn't even post and I was banned...You were right Grumpy...That place sucks"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
well, Pat... I started the "Cliff Notes" thread over the last 48 hours... so it has been sent off to it's internet graveyard (so to speak) ...if you'd like to take the inicative and start another one, be my guest

Is that like a said-a-give?
Quote:internet graveyard

All our threads went to OTL and TheHellHole?

How the fuck did that happen?
Wasn't that the point?
Now I'm really confused...:crackhead:
Quote:All our threads went to OTL and TheHellHole?

How the fuck did that happen?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
the old Sean is back :bow:
Quote:Wasn't that the point?
Now I'm really confused...

I think you have been hanging around Maynard a tad too much of late.

It does explain alot though.
Thank god...
I thought it was just me...
Quote:Thank god...
I thought it was just me...

I am really starting to wonder that when Maynard started that "I want to dip my balls in it" shit fest of a thread, he was reffering to your mouth.
He wouldn't have them anymore if he did that...

I think he was talking about Astro's food dish...
I thought the internet graveyard was
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